Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a place where you can come to know God personally through a relationship with His Son Jesus Christ. Our desire is that you discover a loving family of believers and the opportunity to grow and reach out to a world in need. Join us as we live out this mission through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Beliefs

The Evangelical Covenant Church has its roots in historical Christianity as it emerged in the Protestant Reformation

We Believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and earth.

We believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God our Savior and Lord; who died on a cross for our sins, and rose on the third day.

We believe that all who believe in Him receive forgiveness, and everlasting life.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, who empowers us, guides us and dwells within all believers.

We believe the Holy Scriptures (the bible) to be the authoritative Word of God and is the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine and conduct.

We believe the church to be a fellowship of believers, supporting one another, growing together, reaching out in love and gathering to worship in His Name.


The vision of an evangelical covenant church in Breton can be traced as far back as 1929, when Pigeon Lake Bible Camp Meeting (what became Covenant Bay Bible Camp) along with the Alberta Missionary Society decided to send missionaries West of the Lake to share Christ in the “bush land”. Breton, in these days, was a transient community of lumberjacks. The work began with a Daily Vacation Bible School put on by Albert Koch, who would become the first pastor of our church, along with Wolfe Hanson. Through this work, many were saved. Albert was left to shepherd the new believers through Sunday school and home Bible studies. In 1935, they acquired a building from an abandoned lumber company and moved it onto their purchased lot where it has remained to this day. Our first name was the Breton Mission Covenant Church with a membership of 28. It was supported by what is now known as the Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada and other Covenant Churches, Malmo being the most familiar to us today.  Our church has always relied on the faith and service of its membership and volunteers. Due to the tough conditions of pioneer living, pastors were almost as transient as Breton itself. It was God’s faithfulness along with those who remained in Breton who continued to give of their time and resources to continue the ministry. We survived a community transition from lumbering to oil and later took a step of faith in rebuilding on our current site. It’s this theme of God’s faithfulness and the faithfulness of those who call Faith Covenant

Church “home” that we celebrated our 75th anniversary in 2010! We praise our Lord for the past, and we ask His continued anointing for our future in Breton!  Some interesting things to note about our history:  -In our first 50 years, the longest tenure of a pastor was 5 years.

*All history taken from Faith Through the Years: A History of Faith Covenant Breton.  (1985) by several members. This book is available in our church library.



Faith Covenant Church
PO Box 57
Breton, Alberta
T0C 0P0


Phone: (780) 696-3669|
Email: office.faithcovenantchurch@gmail.com


Ray Wall

403-821-1854 (cell)

Snowy Noble

780-271-4006 (cell)

Ali Aladra

Office Administrator 

(780) 696-3669


We are located approximately 1 hour southwest of Edmonton, Alberta.

4712 53rd Avenue

Breton, Alberta

T0C 0P0