
Ladies Ministries are so important to us. There are so many changes in a woman’s life, from marriage to pregnancy, births and deaths, family and friends lost and found.

Our hope and prayer with our different ministries here at FCC, is that every woman has a place to come, sit and be connected to other women with whom you can relate to.

Do you feel disconnected? Lost in your faith? Discouraged and struggling? Joyful and excited? Whatever place you’re in, you have a connection here with our women who are on the same journey in following Jesus.


Call the office, 780-696-3669 for more information or to find out what the current study is.


Our Knit and Kackle group meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month 🙂 If you are a novice, beginner knitter or an experienced lady of thread – feel free to come out!

Our amazing ladies continually contribute to missions projects and various needs. These needs are incredibly important, and our ladies continue to make blankets, scarves, mitts, toques and baby clothes to be donated both locally and globally.